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ConstraintFixture is a variation of CalculateFixture (see CalculateFixture) that has an expected value of true for each calculation.

Table Format

The first row of the table is the fixture class name. After that, the second row contains names for input parameters. All rows after that specify values for the input parameters.


Fixture class

The fixture class should extend fitlibrary.ConstraintFixture . It should declare a boolean method with a name concatenated from all parameter names (in this case firstPartSecondPart ).

Java Source Code

package info.fitnesse.fixturegallery;

import fitlibrary.ConstraintFixture;

public class ConstraintFixtureTest extends ConstraintFixture{
	public boolean firstPartSecondPart(int firstPart,int secondPart){
		return firstPart<secondPart;

.NET Source Code

using fitlibrary;
using System;

namespace info.fitnesse.fixturegallery
	public class ConstraintFixtureTest: ConstraintFixture
		public bool FirstPartSecondPart(int  firstPart,int secondPart)
			return firstPart<secondPart;

Python Source Code

# PYTHON: info.fitnesse.fixturegallery.CombinationFixtureTest
from fitLib.ConstraintFixture import ConstraintFixture

class ConstraintFixtureTest(ConstraintFixture):
    _typeDict = {}

    # PY3K: firstPartSecondPart(firstPart : int, secondPart : int) : bool
    _typeDict["firstPartSecondPart.types"] = [ "Boolean", "Int", "Int" ]
    def firstPartSecondPart(self, firstPart, secondPart):
        return firstPart < secondPart

Previous page: CombinationFixture Next page: SetFixture Parent page: FitLibrary Fixtures