When you are editing a page, you can save your changes using control+s on the Mac and alt+s on the PC. I haven't tried it on Linux yet, but alt+s should work. Overriding the browsers command+s (Mac) or control+s (PC) is harder, but I may try to support those instead.
Some command "links" have been replaced with buttons so it is easier to invoke them with hot keys or tabbing to them. For example, the "page does not" exist page has a "create page" button with access key "c" (i.e., "alt+c" on most platforms) and yes and no links on confirmation pages have been replaced with yes and no buttons with access keys "y" and "n", respectively.
The edit page also has some "hints", such as supporting control+s/alt+s for saving.
The front page has been simplified slightly and hints about what to do next have been added.
The links in the sidebar and footer have been reorganized and (hopefully) improved. Some links are now turned on by default that were not previously, like "Edit" and "Properties". Having them off was a major roadblock to getting started for the beginner!
To provide an easier clicking target than the single "?" for non-existent pages, the link is now "[?]".
Pages with names that end in "Test" now default to having the Test property set; pages that start with "Test" still support this default.
Pages with names that end in "Suite" now default to having the Suite property set; pages that start with "Suite" still support this default.
The text fields on the Properties pages are now longer.
The "!contents" are now displayed with a "Contents:" title (just bold text and only for the top-level contents, when listing contents recursively.). A faint box around the list is also shown.
In the Properties page, the checkbox for "automatically update the wiki import when tests are run" defaults to "on" if importing hasn't been set up. This was done to encourage people to work this way....
There are now convenience links on setup, teardown, and included pages to edit them. When you save, you will be returned to the page where you clicked the link, not the page you just edited.
If you go to a non-existent URL, you are now taken directly to the edit page, on the assumption that you wanted to create a new page. You can always use the back button to cancel. (I tried adding a cancel button, but ran into page navigation problems that I didn't pursue. TBD)
The first time you edit a new page, the text "!contents" is automatically added, as a default.
You can now pass JVM arguments to "run.sh" using the new "-J jvm_arg" option. (This enhancement wasn't added to the run.bat, however. Any volunteers??)
Fixed bug where white space after the last "|" a table row line results in a mysterious failure to parse the table. Specifically, all trailing (but not leading) spaces and tabs are trimmed from the wiki page lines (with some specific, but harmless(?) exceptions...).
Added links on page footers to create set-up and tear-down pages, since beginners don't know how to do this.
Generated HTML is more XHTML "compatible", e.g., all "<br>" are now written as "<br/>".
Added double wildcard to !path so that all files in all subdirectories can be included as in !path myDirectory/**.jar
!define: Allow literals in parenthesized definitions; !lit(n) changed to !lit?n?.
!lit(): Changed delimiters from () to ?? to allow literals in !define X () markups.
!see: Backward-relative links included in suite test.
alias: tag--link section handles all relative types and fragment suffixes.
!contents: -R<number> to limit recursion depth & show "..." when more depth exists.
!contents: -g to re[g]race the TOC links.
!define & ${}: Allow periods in variable names.
!include: Multiple levels of relative child links are preserved.
!include: Variables are properly scoped to the including page.
!*<: New "invisible" collapsible section; requires div.invisible in fitnesse_base.css.
!{= =}: New EvaluatorWidget to pre-process arithmetic expressions; allows variables.
alias: tag--link section allows variables and expressions (see .)
REGRACE_TOC: Globally set regracing of TOC widgets; set {true} or {false}.
REGRACE_LINK: Globally set regracing all page link widgets; set {true} or {false}.
${PAGE_NAME}: Global variable returning the name of the page.
${PAGE_PATH}: Global variable returning the absolute path to the page.
FitLibrary: Changed access of Fixture.getArgsForTable() to public for FitLibrary mods.
Expression.java: New module to support EvaluatorWidget expression evaluation.
Semaphores: Checks for semaphores (file-based) for page arbitration; see SemaphoreFixture.java.
Also take a look at FitNesse.FixtureGallery for some nice tutorials