- Requires Java 5.
- WikiImport:
- Only modified pages are updated
- Orphaned pages are deleted
- Edit button removed, Edit Locally, Edit Remotely buttons added
- Automatic Update option
- SymbolicPages are not included in imports
- Symbolic Links to external directories
- Fixed FitServer Classpath bug discussed on fitnesse yahoo group.
- Support for FitLibrary's SuiteFixture
- Applied Joel Shprentz's fix for test execution threading issue on Solaris
- Applied Randy Coulman's fix for for missing exceptions.
- Minor bug fix to the Anchor widget
- Fixed bug in files section where directories with spaces in the names caused problems.
- Rafactoring: made the reference refactoring optional for the Rename and Move refactorings.
- The last release continaing VirtualWiki
!release 20060719