Security |
Look and Feel |
Graceful Names |
Plugin Architecture |
- The biggest new feature is security. It is now possible to create a set of users and passwords, and block access to certain pages.
- You may notice the new look. We've integrated FitNesse with CSS so you can customize your look and feel.
- There is a new plug-in architecture that you can use to change the way wiki pages are stored. e.g. you could write a database back-end if you want.
- The other major feature is graceful names. This allows you to greatly improve the readability of your test tables.
Other changes include:
- You don't have to add your own Type Adapters anymore. Just put a parse method in your objects.
- Check out the Import fixture.
- Create comment tables in your tests with the Comment fixture.
- We fixed a bug that used to hang FIT if you used the wrong case in a fixture name.
- We've greatly improved the error messages in Fit (Special thanks to Rick Mugridge and Brian Marick)
- We fixed the bug that prevented literals from being used in ! tables.
- If you start FitNesse with an empty or non-existent fitnesseroot directory it will build a whole new root structure for you.
- You can use ! as well as ? and () for method names in column fixtures and row fixtures.