You can run FitNesse Java (Fit and Slim) tests from a developer IDE without starting the FitNesse server. This is a developer-centric approach to running tests and is not suitable for collaboration with customers or testers, but it is very efficient for troubleshooting purposes. FitNesse includes a set of JUnit 4 runner that enables you to execute a test or a suite using JUnit. The runner will execute FitNesse tests in-process by default, allowing you to debug and inspect the fixture or domain code during test execution. Test pass/failure reports are integrated with JUnit but the normal page output (tables etc) gets saved to the disk for later inspection, if required.

The FitNese runner will report about individual test pages being executed by JUnit. For IDE's this means that the JUnit report window and give you detailed statistics for individual tests in a suite.

Using the FitNese runner

To use the FitNese runner, Define fitnesse.junit.FitNesseRunner as the runner for a specific test class, using @org.junit.runner.RunWith(). Set the test or suite name to run using the @Name attribute, the root FitNesse path using @FitNesseDir attribute and the result directory using @OutputDir attribute.Here's a full example.

What about JUnitHelper?

JUitHelper is no more. Main reason for this is that FitNesse has become more modular. Now it's possible to execute a set of tests with only a few lines of code. The basics are:

FitNesseContext context = new ContextConfigurator(properties /* a java.util.Properties instance */).makeFitNesseContext();

List<WikiPage> pagesToExecute = new SuiteContentsFinder(suiteRoot, null /* optional fitnesse.testrunner.SuiteFilter */, context.root).getAllPagesToRunForThisSuite();

final String classPath = new ClassPathBuilder().buildClassPath(pages);
final PagesByTestSystem pagesByTestSystem = new PagesByTestSystem(pages, context.root, new PagesByTestSystem.DescriptorFactory() {
    public Descriptor create(WikiPage page) {
        return new WikiPageDescriptor(page.readOnlyData(), true /* run in-process */, false /* remote debug */, classPath);
MultipleTestsRunner testRunner = new MultipleTestsRunner(pagesByTestSystem, context.runningTestingTracker, context.testSystemFactory);

testRunner.addTestSystemListener(new TestSystemListener() { ... });
