Previous page: TableFixture Next page: SummaryFixture Parent page: Basic FIT fixtures


Import fixture can be used to tell FitNesse where to look for fixture classes. After you import a namespace or package you do not have to write fully-qualified fixture class names any more, making the tables more readable.

Table Format

The first row of the table should just be Import . All following rows list namespaces or packages to import — one cell per row.



The .NET version is case-insensitive, so you can write the first row as import or Import . Java version is case-sensitive, and it will complain if the first row is not properly capitalised.

Remember that in the flow mode the Import table has to come after the initial flow class name, or the flow mode will not work (see Flow Mode).


Use the Import fixture to make your test pages easier to read. You will typically want to put this table into the SetUp pages for test suites.

Previous page: TableFixture Next page: SummaryFixture Parent page: Basic FIT fixtures