Tables can be created very easily from plain text.

Markup Text
simple plain
text pasted
from somewhere

Displays as:
simple plain
text pasted
from somewhere

One note on editing plain text tables with the rich text editor: the content is displayed as
simple plain
text pasted
from somewhere

In order to add extra lines, use <Shift>-<Enter> to add lines when editing the plain text table. It is not possible to create plain text tables from the rich text editor.

These are literalized tables, so most wiki markup does not work inside them.

You can create cells by declaring a delimiter as the first character after the [. Only punctuation characters will work.:

Displays as:
Name Bob
Address Here
Street Cranbrook Zip 60048

If you want to hide the first row of the table, you can put it right after the delimiter following a space. The first row is still there, it's just hidden.
![: Location

Displays as:
Name Bob
Address Here
Street Cranbrook Zip 60048

If you want to hide the first row but don't want a delimiter, you still need the space right after the [.

![ BDD:JukeBoxDriver
Given a jukebox with price set to $1.00
When a customer deposits $2.00
And presses B5
And presses C21
Then Stairway to Heaven will play.
And Comforably Numb will play.

Displays as:
Given a jukebox with price set to $1.00
When a customer deposits $2.00
And presses B5
And presses C21
Then Stairway to Heaven will play.
And Comforably Numb will play.