Some markup elements can not be nested within other markup elements without creating an ambiguous meaning. In this case, we can use the nesting delimiters !( and )!. These delimiters act like parenthesis - they do not add any content to the page but just group the interpretation of the enclosed markup correctly.

We can use this to nest tables, for example:

|has| !(|a|nested|table|)! |

displays as:

this table
a nested table

Without nesting:

|has| |a|nested|table| |

is displayed as a single table.

this table
has a nested table

Nesting always creates a 'virtual' new line, so elements that must start on a new line can be nested within other content.

This line has !(!note a nested note)! within.

displays as:

This line has

a nested note


Without nesting:

This line has !note a nested note within.

displays as:

This line has !note a nested note within.