Test that variables are properly defined and expressed on a page.

Test a variable defined and used on the same page.

start Page Builder
line !define x {1}
line x is ${x}
page VariablePage
Response Requester.
uri valid? contents?
VariablePage true
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches?
contents x is 1 true
contents PAGE_NAME is <a href="VariablePage">VariablePage true
contents PAGE_PATH is . true

Test a variable defined and used on the same page using () syntax.

start Page Builder
line !define x (1)
line x is ${x}
page ParenVariablePage
Response Requester.
uri valid? contents?
ParenVariablePage true
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches? wrapped html?
contents x is 1 true

Test literals in variables with {} and () syntax.

The internal representation of a literal is changed from !lit(n) to !lit?n? so as to avoid conflict with the !define X () widget syntax.

start Page Builder
line !define xLitBRACE {!-xLitBRACE-!-!-!}
line !define xLitPAREN (!-xLitPAREN-!-!-!)
line xLitBRACE is ${xLitBRACE}
line xLitPAREN is ${xLitPAREN}
page ParenVariablePage
Response Requester.
uri valid? contents?
ParenVariablePage true
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches? wrapped html?
contents xLitPAREN is xLitPAREN true
contents xLitBRACE is xLitBRACE true

Test a variables with periods

start Page Builder
line !define xy. (1)
line !define x.y (2)
line !define .xy (3)
line !define .x.y. (4)
line !define .xy. (5)
line !define .x.y (6)
line !define x.y. (7)
line !define x..y (8)
line ~xy. is ${xy.}~
line ~x.y is ${x.y}~
line ~.xy is ${.xy}~
line ~.x.y. is ${.x.y.}~
line ~.xy. is ${.xy.}~
line ~.x.y is ${.x.y}~
line ~x.y. is ${x.y.}~
line ~x..y is ${x..y}~
page ParenVariablePage
Response Requester.
uri valid? contents?
ParenVariablePage true
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches? wrapped html?
contents ~xy. is 1~ true
contents ~x.y is 2~ true
contents ~.xy is 3~ true
contents ~.x.y. is 4~ true
contents ~.xy. is 5~ true
contents ~.x.y is 6~ true
contents ~x.y. is 7~ true
contents ~x..y is 8~ true