- SLiM servers for different languages/environments
- Dependency management
- Behaviour driven
- Source control
- Markup language extensions
- SLiM Fixtures
- FIT Fixtures
- FIT server implementations (obsolete)
- IDE support
SLiM servers for different languages/environments
RubySlim | by Uncle Bob, Corey Haines, Doug Bradbury | http://github.com/unclebob/RubySlim | video Now at Slim version 0.3! |
RubySlim for Ruby 1.9.3 | by Lar Vonk | https://github.com/lvonk/rubyslim | Slim version 0.3! |
.Net slim | by Mike Stockdale | https://www.nuget.org/packages/fitsharp/ | docs |
Python Slim | by Tim Bacon | http://pypi.python.org/pypi/waferslim | It's a "0.9" release: while the code is believed to be "feature complete" (tested against fitnesse-20090214) more feedback from wider usage would be welcome ;-) |
Transactional Spring Slim Runner | by Gojko Adzic | http://github.com/unclebob/springslim | docs |
PhpSlim | by Gregor Gramlich | http://github.com/ggramlich/phpslim | Video Tutorials |
CSlim: Slim for C and C++ | by Doug Bradbury, James Grenning, Uncle Bob | http://github.com/dougbradbury/cslim/tree/master | See README in the repository |
Objective-C Slim | by Eric Meyer | https://github.com/ericmeyer/ObjectiveCSlim | docs |
CocoaPod for Swift, Obj-C | by Paul Stringer, Eric Meyer | https://github.com/paulstringer/OCSlimProject | CocoaPod for iOS and macOS Xcode Projects (wraps Objective-C Slim). See README in the repository. |
Grails FitNesse plugin | Erik Pragt | http://www.grails.org/plugin/fitnesse | docs |
.NET Fit | by Mike Stockdale | https://www.nuget.org/packages/fitsharp/ | docs |
Coffee Script Slim | Mike Suarez | https://github.com/limadelic/decaf | |
Power Shell Slim | Konstantin Vlasenko | https://github.com/konstantinvlasenko/PowerSlim | docs |
SmalltalkFit | Randy Coulman | https://github.com/randycoulman/SmalltalkFit | See README in the repository |
Dependency management
Maven Classpath Plugin | by Lars Vonk, maintained by Arjan Molenaar | http://github.com/amolenaar/fitnesse-maven-classpath | !pomFile /path/to/pom.xml |
Ivy Classpath Plugin | by Arjan Molenaar | http://github.com/amolenaar/fitnesse-ivy-classpath | !resolve |
Gradle Classpath Plugin | by Andrey Myatlyuk | http://github.com/kukido/fitnesse-gradle-classpath | !gradle /path/to/<gradle file> |
Behavioural driven
GivWenZen | Wes Williams | http://code.google.com/p/givwenzen/ | BDD Framework for FitNesse |
JBehave Plugin | by Arjan Molenaar | https://github.com/amolenaar/fitnesse-jbehave-test-system | Execute JBehave tests through FitNesse |
Source control
Git Plugin | by Arjan Molenaar | https://github.com/amolenaar/fitnesse-git-plugin | For FitNesse version 20151230 and newer. docs |
For FitNesse 20130530 and older.
TFS Source Control Plugin | Lars-Erik Aabech @bleedo | http://sourceforge.net/projects/fitnessetfs/ | docs |
Git Source Control Plugin | Tim Andersen @timander | https://github.com/timander/fitnesse-git-plugin | docs |
SVN Source Control Plugin | Attila Sragli, Gergely Filip, Zoltan Matyas | https://bitbucket.org/clibre44/svnfileversionscontroller | docs |
FitNesse LDAP Authenticator | Tim Andersen @timander | https://github.com/timander/fitnesse-ldap-authenticator | docs (for use with ActiveDirectory or LDAP) |
FitNesse JDBC Authenticator | six42 | https://github.com/six42/jdbcslim | docs (for use with any database) |
Markup language extensions
HSAC Plugin | Fried Hoeben | https://github.com/fhoeben/hsac-fitnesse-plugin | Adds symbols for random values and relative dates. (docs) |
Graphviz plugin | Stefan Bellus | https://github.com/sbellus/fitnesse-graphviz-plugin | Adds Dot drawing to your wiki page. (docs) |
PlantUML plugin | Stefan Bellus | https://github.com/sbellus/fitnesse-plantuml-plugin | Adds UML diagram drawing to your wiki page. (docs) |
SLiM fixtures
HSAC Plugin | Adds ScenarioTable subclasses that: do not require all parameters in header row, and take a 'screenshot' after each row. (docs) |
Jdbc Slim | JdbcSlim is the framework to easily integrate database queries and commands into Slim FitNesse testing. The design focuses to keep configuration data, test data and SQL code separate. This ensures that requirements are written independent of the implementation and understandable by business users. The framework can be used by Developers, Testers and Business Users with SQL knowledge. |
Appium Fixture | Fixtures for testing mobile applications, based on appium and BrowserTest. |
Pdf Fixture | Fixture to check the contents of PDF documents. |
Email Fixture | Fixture to retrieve e-mails from a mailbox so their content may be checked. |
Web application fixtures
Xebium | Driver for Selenium with Selenium-IDE roundtrip support (Xebium SeIDE plugin) |
SeleNesse | Driver for Selenium |
Sulfur | Driver for Selenium, support for all Selenium selectors, simple installation as single .jar file including all dependencies |
RestFixture | A fixture for testing services exposing a REST API |
OASIS | Open Automation Source Integrated Suite with fixtures for Xebium, Sikuli, SynthUse, JMeterBundle, and a slew of other features for back end and front end testing with credits to FitNesseSikuli |
BrowserTest | An extensible fixture for testing using Selenium in end user terms, so tests describe functionality, not HTML structure. |
(Xml/Json)HttpTest | A fixture to interact with a server via HTTP requests (allowing SOAP (and REST) services to be tested) with (almost) no Java coding. |
Fit Fixtures
>JdbcFixtures | A set of Fixtures that provide simple database access |
>FitLibrary | Home of the DoFixture, as well as many other helpful fixtures and add-ons. |
>JfcFixtures | A set of Fixtures to test through Swing GUIs |
CommandLineFixture | This fixture launches commands as if they were run from a shell's command line input. |
ServiceFixture | This fixture library can be used to test service oriented or distributed systems. It also provides fixtures to access database. |
RestFixture | A fixture for testing services exposing a REST API. |
easyFit | A library for testing applications over HTTP(S) protocol (SLiM server is not needed) |
SoapCallMapColumnFixture | A (column) fixture for testing SOAP services, including asynchronous ones, with minimal Java coding. |
Generic Fixture | With Generic Fixture you just drop your class in FitNesse's class path, write your test stories on FitNesse wiki and be ready to test without having to write a single line of Java code. Detailes of Generic Fixture, setup and various use-cases can be found on Generic Fixture Blog |
Web application fixtures
Webfixture | HtmlUnit-based (author's blog entry on that) |
jWebFit / jWebFixture | Part of JWebUnit; only available in CVS tree. Simpler to use |
Old (out of date) plugins
Just for reference.(If you would like to develope a Plugin, see this.)
^DatabasePlugin | Store your wiki pages in a database to significantly improve seach and refactoring performance. |
^WikiMailPlugin | Send email to your wiki. Create and update pages with email messages. |
^LinuxPamAuthenticator | Allow FitNesse to authenticate users based on the Linux system users. |
^BlogPlugin | Give FitNesse some blog-like behavior. |